Experience is too expensive.

Not anymore. Get access to vetted candidates through Reterns at a fraction of the cost.

How It Works

1. Sign up with your email
2. Complete a company profile and post a position
3. We'll review within 48 hours. If approved, your position will be accessible to all our consultants

Older woman looking for work.

Get Started

Create a profile and post an open position. Once you've provided basic info, we'll showcase your position to our vetted, experienced candidates.

Intelligent Older Woman.
Travelling Older Couple.

Low Cost

Many companies want experienced workers, but can't justify the cost of high salaries, taxes, and benefits. By working with Reterns, you'll get access to a motivated talent pool whose value will far exceed the cost.

How it Works

Get access to experienced candidates via contract through Reterns. Once you find a qualified candidate, we'll request a partial upfront payment. After consulting services have been rendered, pay the rest and we'll send that money to the consultant. If you're interested, post an open position here:

Applications: Going public? Contact us. We'll help you go public quickly.

Raising capital?


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Older Black Man on Phone.

Freelance vs. Employment Costs